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female faculty member posing with gift basket and certificate

Two standout faculty members at Century High School recently received the prestigious Hometown Hero award, an honor presented by Bobby Scovil and Modern Woodmen of America, a non-profit financial planning company. These awards are extra special because they come from the students themselves, who nominate the staff members they admire most.

First up is Jessica Woodland, our College and Career Advisor. One student shared,

Jess is remarkable in every way. She makes an effort to know each of us students, which is an act that doesn't go unnoticed. She helps us plan for our futures in caring and positive ways. Jess definitely brings light to Century High School.

It’s clear that Ms. Woodland is not only shaping futures but also making sure each student feels seen and supported.

The second recipient is our very own School Resource Officer, Officer Jake Johnson. A student summed it up perfectly:

Whether it's by making everyone smile, being open to conversations, or even letting us paint his nails, Officer Johnson perfectly embodies what it means to be a hometown hero.

Jake is much more than just a familiar face in uniform; he's a trusted presence, always ready with a kind word and a genuine connection to the students.

In addition to the honor of being named a Hometown Hero, both winners were presented with a gift basket, a certificate, and $100 to donate to a charity of their choice. The pair was honored at our yearly talent show assembly. The recognition is a reflection of the lasting impact these educators and role models have on their students—proof that sometimes the heroes are the ones in the classrooms and hallways every day.

Congratulations to Jessica, Officer Johnson, and all of the educators who make a difference each and every day!

A group of cheerleaders pose with a 1st place banner

The Century High cheerleaders recently returned from JAMZ Nationals in Las Vegas, and they’ve snagged their first-ever national titles in both Partner Stunt and Pom at JAMZ Nationals! With two first-place finishes, a second-place in Sideline (just half a point shy of gold!), and another second-place in Show, it’s safe to say the Century cheer squad is on fire. With a young team, and handful of setbacks, this team persevered to become national champions once again. The team enjoyed supporting fellow Idaho schools (Highland, Blackfoot, and Rigby), and moreso, enjoyed the positive, energetic environment the JAMZ staff creates year after year. This marks their second year competing at nationals—and with two victories in as many years, it’s clear they’re not just lucky, they’re legendary!

We'd like to give a huge shout out to our teachers, admin, parents, friends, family, and community that supported us so much on this journey! Thank you for believing in us and being there for us through all the ups and downs. We appreciate you!

Meagan Brockett, head coach

Lookout CU Employee in CHS Coach Frost class

Lookout Credit Union presented Banzai Financial Literacy Program to the learners in Coach Frost's class at Century High School. Banzai is an engaging, interactive program that equips students with real-world financial skills like budgeting, saving, and managing expenses. These are tools for life, and Lookout Credit Union so proud to help Century High students build confidence in their financial futures.

drama team posing with their state title banner

This weekend, Diamondback Dramatics proved once again that they’re the ones to beat at the State Drama competition in Twin Falls. Competing with 16 pieces across a variety of categories—from serious to laugh-out-loud humorous pieces, ensemble and solos performances to technical theatre, and even original works—this talented team showcased their versatility and creativity in full force.

A standout moment came courtesy of senior Adam D, who earned a first-place win in original humorous, helping propel the team to the title. With that win, the Diamondbacks clinched their fifth consecutive state title, cementing their legacy as the top drama team in the state.

But the team’s success didn’t stop there. A total of 10 pieces advanced to the semi-finals, demonstrating the depth of talent within the Diamondback Dramatics. In addition to Adam's musical theatre victory, two more pieces—Beckham T's performance and the ensemble of Iris and Ephraim—advanced to the finals, adding to the team’s already impressive showing.

However, for Emma P, who competed in pantomime, the real highlight was the supportive environment and the camaraderie she experienced with both teammates and competitors. The positive sportsmanship and lasting connections she made on and off the stage truly made the event unforgettable.

Under the guidance of coaches Shawn Ruth and Ted Bonman, Diamondback Dramatics continues to inspire and impress, leaving their mark on the state drama scene year after year. Congratulations to this year’s team for another stellar performance and for keeping the Diamondback tradition of excellence and integrity alive and well!

three students serving dinner to a patron

The annual Diamondback Round Up was held on Thursday, November 14th. The Round Up is an iconic Century event, with every penny made going right back to the students, clubs, and activities at Century High School. The commons area was bustling with students, families, and teachers dressed in plaid, denim, and cowboy hats. Although the online silent auction opened a few days prior, the evening kicked off with entertainment by the band, cheerleaders, and dance team. The Outdoor Club students had been hard at work all afternoon preparing the Dutch oven dinner, which consisted of pulled pork, beans, baked potatoes, cornbread, rolls, salad and several different types of cobbler. There were several raffle drawings, and new this year, three different clubs sponsored fair-like games.

"I just love the Round Up," Ande, a senior cheerleader said thoughtfully as she tipped her hat at skipped off. 

The Round Up committee and CHS administrators would like to thank the community, CHS families, and students for their support in another successful event! 

student and teacher watch paper structure burn

Ms. Green's final project assignment for her forensic science class was anything but ordinary. For the last few weeks, the students have been working through the unit on arson, and completed the unit with a unique project. Each group of students was asked to build a structure and create a story about how their fire started. The structures, mostly houses and apartment buildings, were very detailed including windows, furniture, cars, and even "people" made of pipe cleaners. Today, in partnership with the Pocatello Fire Department, the students ventured outside to light their structures on fire. The students chose where in their structure to start the fire, and observed the structure as it burned. Once they were satisfied with their burn, the firefighters extinguished the fire. The students were tasked with taking before, during, and after photos of their structure, and a classroom discussion followed. Vincent, a student, said that making the origami characters and furniture was the hardest part of the project, only to see it burn down in a matter of seconds. He was happy with the overall outcome of his project, stating that, "everything worked out the way it was supposed to." The firefighters chimed in on student's conversations during the burn, commenting on the placement of windows, the location of the fire, and building materials. Kevin, a senior, was visiting with the the firefighters and learned that older houses tend to last longer in a fire than newer houses, due to the increased amount of plastic in the building materials. Israel, also a senior, stated that his favorite part was watching everything burn, and when asked what the hardest part of the project was he paused and replied with a giggle, "watching everything burn!"

student drops a marble into their rollercoaster

Ms. Green's physics class has spent the last few days designing, building, and testing roller coasters made for marbles. The students were given a list of approved materials and some design parameters, then had full creative freedom. Each roller coaster had to be no more than 36 inches tall, contain at least one vertical loop, run for at least 15 seconds for each of five rounds, and be decorated. Addisen, a sophomore, and Heily, a freshman, agreed,

My favorite part was designing it and putting up all the extras around.

The "extras" Addisen and Heily are referring to include a theme, signs, and other decorations. Addisen and Heiley's group's coaster was tooth fairy themed, another was Halloween themed, and their classmate Lilee's was fall themed, decorated with pumpkins and leaves. 

The most challenging part was assembling it.

The students were given track guides to cut out of cardstock, and were free to use whatever track pieces they needed to make their coaster unique. Students had to apply their physics knowledge to know which pieces would have the biggest effect on their design. Masking tape and string were used in many of the coasters, mostly to provide stability. The project inspired an energetic and engaging classroom environment! 

student and teacher looking over books in a Halloween decorated library

Ms. Browning and Ms. Hansen went above and beyond to provide a unique Halloween themed experience during lunch on Halloween. The pair spent the morning decorating and setting up the media center's first ever Library Trick-or-Treat. At this event, students would visit stations themed after different genres of books, similar to the beloved trunk-or-treat events. Each station displayed several books from that genre, and teachers and staff members handed out candy to the students that stopped by. Bookmarks and small trinkets were also available, and Ms. Woodland manned a craft station, where students could cut out their own Halloween garland. The event was well attended, packing the library with students, some who admittedly don't regularly visit the library. Teachers, counselors, and paraprofessionals invited the students to their booths and encouraged students to check out a book. Several students checked out books, and the overall vibe of the room was energetic, curious, and refreshing. 


two students repair bottle rocket

Mr. Patch's Intro to Engineering class took advantage of the beautiful fall weather to try their hand at building and launching bottle rockets outside. The class spent the last few weeks learning about the principles that would make their rocket launch successful. The young engineers were asked to not only build and launch a rocket made of recycled soda bottles, but to also launch an egg with the rocket, and ensure the egg doesn't crack. Many learners built parachutes and casings for their egg, utilizing many different household materials, such as tape, bubble wrap, popsicle sticks, and more. Ana, a junior, reflected,

The hardest part is getting the pressure to come out, but I like seeing how high we can get it to go. 

Her classmate, Jenna, added,

The hardest part for me is having to try so many different things. It's fun to see how different each rocket works.

The learners were given basic instructions, but Mr. Patch left creativity, problem solving, and design up to the students, giving the classic engineering project and even deeper objective. 

Student riding a bike in the hallway

Ms. Martin teaches Human Rights, another hands-on elective. An iconic hands-on unit, the "backwards bike", explores the idea of neuroplasticity. Ms. Martin states,

the Backwards Bike was inspired by some fun and engaging videos on youtube, where an engineer explores how to ride a reverse-steering bike and what that means in terms of how our brain is wired.

The backwards (reverse steering) bike gives Human Rights elective students the opportunity to explore not only the topic of neuroplasticity, but to experience how hard it is to rewire our brain! Learners are challenging their cognitive biases and realize that their brain can be changed. Riding the bike requires patience, humility, and challenges to our own reality. Martin added,

Many times learning of and confronting Human Rights challenges in history and present day around the world required/require the same or us. 

It is an iconic unit in the anthropology class and students can be seen practicing in the halls during class, and even show off their abilities during an assembly. Cooper, a sophomore, said,

It's not like a normal bike. I wouldn't even call it a bike. Once you get the turning down, then you have to work on the balance part.

Cooper said he has practiced six times, and has a total of over two hours of practice. He admits he is getting better at the task.

When asked what the hardest part of learning the "backwards bike" is, Liam said,

It makes me sweat! The hardest part is trying to get the second leg on the pedals. I don't learn new skills very often, so it's fun for me to branch out and learn something new.

The Human Rights course in a elective and is offered third trimester as well. 


students using anthropology skills to examine rocks

Ms. Martin's Anthropology class took a field trip to Indian Rocks State Park to practice the techniques they have been learning in class so far. Partnering with the BLM Pocatello Field Office, the CHS Anthropology class applied their archaeological skills when visiting Indian Rocks Rock Art Site near McCammon. Learners conducted site survey, and utilized GPS technology to record the site and surrounding area. They examined petroglyphs on rocks, used the skills anthropologists use when surveying an area, and explored the demolition of the visitor's center. 

"I like learning about new cultures and the history of different cultures."

Jacob F.

When asked what his favorite part of the field trip was, Tyler L. quickly said, "definitely learning about the cool archeology that people have been doing through BLM. I enjoy this class because it's fun to communicate with the students and see their different views on anthropology." Ms. Martin has hosted this field trip for several years. "Getting to apply what they have learned to a real world scenario, not only makes the class more authentic, but allows them to explore different careers with professionals in the fields of GIS and Archaeology. Most students have never visited the site and love exploring the art and hiking the area!"

The anthropology class at Century High School is a hands on learning experience, which makes it a big hit among students. 


WHEN: Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 4-6 PM, then performance at halftime of the JV game (kickoff at 7 PM)

WHERE: Century High School

AGES: 4-12

COST: $35

Register here!

seven kitchen staff pose for a photo in the CHS kitchen

Wednesday, September 25 was National Food Service Employees Day. Century celebrated the hard working breakfast and lunchtime crew with a visit from administration and a small gift. This energetic group of ladies keep meals consistent and healthy for over 1200 students at Century. Their day starts bright and early, and they work tirelessly through the day to prepare, serve, and clean. When asked what their favorite part of their job is, Stacy replied, "working together as a team." Tabitha, the leader of the kitchen staff replied genuinely, "getting to know each child more and more throughout the year." Jennifer replied with a smile, "I like to feed them the treats...I'm in charge of the cookies and sweets!" Three of the kitchen staff ladies have the unique opportunity of seeing their own child every day at school. "I like being able to see my kids every day. She helps me serve, and I love that I get to know about her day as it unfolds." The kitchen ladies genuinely enjoy seeing each student, even if their food combinations are unique. One employee said she's seen kids put ketchup on pizza. Despite knowing when students take two bags of chips or hand off their veggies to the student behind them, this outstanding food service crew enjoys seeing the students each day. Century administration, teachers, and students would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the kitchen staff for all of the hard work, energy, and passion they put into each day!

Runner in teal leads two runners in red

The Century track team qualified for and attended the state track meet in Boise on May 17th and 18th, coming home with several successes.

It was a lot of fun with some good performances. A lot of kids did really well, and our girls team ended up 6th in the state, Coach Vasas noted.

Matejah M earned 1st place in both the 100 and 200 m events, both of which are now the new state records. She also earned 4th place high jump. Reagan T (7th place shot put and Discus), Hailey J (6th place 3200m), Teressa Christensen (2nd place 300 hurdles), and Evey B (5th place 300 hurdles, 6th place 100 hurdles) contributed greatly to the girls' team success as well, and Ethan H (8th place 1600m) and Bentley G (5th place triple jump) represented success for the boys' team. 

Though each athlete's individual success contributed to the overall team placement, Matejah M, who has signed to run track with the University of Utah next school year, noted that she likes the individual aspects of the sport. "I like running because it's an individual sport, and my improvement is based on me." When asked what advice she'd give to a freshmen just coming in, she confidently stated, "don't worry about other people's success because it doesn't affect how you will do. Track is a progress sport - you can't go in and immediately expect to be good. You have to work hard." Coach Vasas, proud of the team's accomplishments and growth, added that the tournament was a great opportunity for the kids to learn and grow. 

tennis team presenting their state title banner

The tennis teams recently returned from the state championship with great success, after claiming a 4-peat district title a couple of weeks prior. The girls team finished 6th in the girls state tournament, and the boys team earned the state championship title for the boys tournament. This title marks the ninth state championship title the Century tennis team and Coach Kane have earned. Max S took 3rd in boys singles, and Tiden L and Katie S took 3rd in mixed double. Brothers Daniel and Liam took home the champion title for boys doubles, securing the team championship title. Earlier this month, the boys tennis team was named Idaho State Journal's Spring Boys Team of the Year, and was honored at an awards ceremony held at the Mountain View Event Center.

Coach Kane summed up the season by saying,

it was a great group - a really special group of players this year. No whining, no problems just titles!

A banner signing event was held in the commons at the end of the school day on Monday so that the team could share their victory with the student body. 

Softball team poses with academic trophy

For the third time in school history, the Century softball team has earned a state academic title, the previous two being 2018 and 2020.

It is apparent that these girls work really hard on and off the field, Coach Daniels stated.

All athletes at Century High School are required to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, with grade checks occuring every six weeks. The softball team far exceeded this measure, coming in with a 3.80 average unweighted cumulative GPA. Many of the girls juggled a busy schedule with AP classes, other sports, work, and home life. Senior Emme C said, "It was very hard to balance everything. I don't know how I did it, but I did! Softball was my academic motivation. If you didn't get good grades, you couldn't play, so it motivated me to keep my grades up." The team's motto for the season was, "if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you" and many of the teammates believe that reminder was a driving force in leading them to success both on and off the field. 

Maribel Mendez

Please join us in congratulating Simplot Inspirational Teacher of the Year finalist, Maribel Mendez. Ms. Mendez teaches Spanish at Century High School.

This year, the Simplot Education Council received 2,377 nominations for 398 teachers in Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25. Finalists will be featured daily through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Three Simplot Inspirational Teacher Awards will be announced on Friday, May 10, 2024 – one for a teacher at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, 5 finalists have been selected for each category and each will be awarded a $100 check. The Simplot Inspirational Teacher Award Recipients of 2024 will each be presented a $500 check on behalf of the Council.

“Maribel Mendez is a fabulous teacher. She includes, encourages, and prepares everyone for all of their many endeavors. She actually listens and cares about each of her student’s struggles and successes. She makes the most of each of her classes with engaging games. She uses Gimkit as an interactive platform, music and shows as engaging listening, and group assignments to connect the class as a whole.” Emma W.

“Maestra Mendez has made a big impact in my life. She not only is a great Spanish teacher but also a great person.  She always asks how our day has been or how our weekend was.  She always has class engaging activities and makes class fun. Ms. Mendez always says “hi” to me in the hallway whenever I walk by, even though I am not currently in her class. Ms. Mendez has been my favorite teacher and has had the biggest impact on me.” Tucker S. 

Bradley Irvine

Please join us in congratulating Simplot Inspirational Teacher of the Year finalist, Bradley Irvine. Mr. Irvine teaches Choir at Century High School.

This year, the Simplot Education Council received 2,377 nominations for 398 teachers in Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25. Finalists will be featured daily through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Three Simplot Inspirational Teacher Awards will be announced on Friday, May 10, 2024 – one for a teacher at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, 5 finalists have been selected for each category and each will be awarded a $100 check. The Simplot Inspirational Teacher Award Recipients of 2024 will each be presented a $500 check on behalf of the Council.

“I think he should get this nomination because he always makes sure everyone is okay.  He is really compassionate and kind to others.  He has a really happy attitude and that spreads around the class.  He always has a smile on his face.” Anna H.

“I have known him for 2 years and in that time he has left a very positive impact on me.  He quickly turned into a resource where students can confide in him and get help. I have gone to him a multitude of times when I needed someone to talk to.  He helps his students excel musically by using a hands-on approach to teaching by helping each section individually. He has used his resources to create new opportunities for the choir.  Even though he is a relatively new teacher he has expanded the choir outreach by regularly talking to the band and choir at other schools as well as out of state.” Matthew C.

“He is easily my favorite teacher.  When I am in his class he makes it feel like a family!” Desaray H. 

a group of learners pose on stage at an awards ceremony

Over 100 students and their peers gathered in the auditorium for lunch on Wednesday, May 1 to celebrate a variety of academic achievements. Each department (math, science, social studies, English, arts, athletics, yearbook, and CTE) chose 2-8 outstanding students in any grade level for the school year, and a short celebration is hosted each spring. Soon-to-be graduates with honors such as Academic Excellence, Highest Honors, STEM, and Associate degrees were also celebrated. Century administrators, faculty, and staff are proud of these learners and their achievements, but one of the most notable achievements celebrated was the Appointment to West Point for senior Josh A. Josh was also honored as an Academic Excellence student, the Simplot Outstanding Student, and one of the Outstanding English Student award recipients.

The awards ceremony has evolved over the years, ranging in style, but it remains a prestigious event that is highly anticipated for teachers and learners, especially seniors. Participating in the recognition of our many high achieving students is a highlight of the Century High School staff every year,Mr. Patch, the science department chairman noted. Each student was sent a personal invitation to the lunchtime event, and some even had their parents attend. Department award recipients were given a certificate, a medal engraved with their name, and a purple and gold Crumbl cookie. STEM students were given their white cords, to be worn at graduation. Academic Excellence and Highest Honors students will receive their custom medallion later next week, also to be worn at graduation. The four students that will graduate from high school with their Associate degree from Idaho State University were presented with a stol, certificate, and gift from ISU. 

Pictured: Class of 2024 Academic Excellence students 

A group of students pose with a book poster

It's like sports but with BOOKS! Century hosted the district-level IBOB Tournament (Idaho Battle of the Books) on April 30, 2024. Elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools are invited to create small teams of students. The Idaho Battle of the Books organization publishes a list of 12-16 books (depending on grade level) in a variety of genres, and then each team member reads books from the list. The students are allowed to split up the list among team members. Kaya, a member of Century's winning team said, It was really good to get out of my comfort zone and read books I normally wouldn't have picked up. I found myself really enjoying things I don't usually read.Once at the tournament, team members are asked questions from each of the books, requiring students to think back on the plot, characters, themes, and other literary elements of each story. Kaya noted that some questions were easy with an obvious answer, while others were surprisingly detail-oriented. The hardest part, Kaya admits, was balancing her busy schedule between two theatre productions, finals, other clubs in competition, and getting to know each book. Students involved at this district-level tournament felt proud they are trailblazing a path for future IBOB teams. I just want to thank Ms. Browning for being so awesome and for putting all of this together for us. The library aides were also awesome at helping to set everything up.Thatcher, another student who participated in the tournament, recently discovered that the 2024-25 IBOB books have been announced. He spread the word to his other teammates and excitedly went to the CHS library so he could get started on reading for next year’s competition. When Mason, his teammate, came to the library to check out some of the 2024-25 books, he commented with a grin, My life is rotating around IBOB! 

Shawn Ruth

Please join us in congratulating Simplot Inspirational Teacher of the Year finalist, Shawn Ruth. Ms. Ruth teaches 10th grade English and Drama at Century High School.

This year, the Simplot Education Council received 2,377 nominations for 398 teachers in Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25. Finalists will be featured daily through Thursday, May 9, 2024. Three Simplot Inspirational Teacher Awards will be announced on Friday, May 10, 2024 – one for a teacher at the elementary, middle and high school levels. In addition, 5 finalists have been selected for each category and each will be awarded a $100 check. The Simplot Inspirational Teacher Award Recipients of 2024 will each be presented a $500 check on behalf of the Council.

“I have had the privilege of working with Shawn Ruth for the past seven years at Century High School. In this time I have noted Shawn’s dedication to her profession and her efforts to ensure both high rigor and high levels of care for her students.  Shawn plans lessons that challenge her students in a way that they learn and grow.  My own daughter had Ms. Ruth and still talks about several lessons or concepts that have helped her in her life – both in her education post high school and her personal life.  Some of the things she and other students who I now have in my junior English classes note about Ms. Ruth includes her ability to help them connect literature to their real-life empathy for those in similar situations, her dedication and skills to ensure students can communicate in written responses, and the high level of Rigor to ensure they are prepared for advanced courses and college.

The most noteworthy thing I’d like to say about Shawn is her ability to see students for who they are and extend love and care that lets them know she is an advocate for them. She is able to do this while maintaining a professional, but empathetic perspective to support her students to meet their goals. I admire that she is able to balance high expectations while also extending care and support that can encourage determination and an ability to persevere through challenges.

Shawna Ruth is an excellent teacher and deserves her efforts to be recognized after a long career of ensuring her students are well prepared, supported, and mentored.  She is one of the best!” Arynne Hoge 

A US News Best High Schools banner

U.S. News just released their rankings for high schools across America. Of 17,655 schools ranked nationwide, Century claims the #1842 spot, sitting comfortably in the top 11% of schools in the United States. This makes Century #9 in the state of Idaho, and #1 in Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25. U.S. News uses several categories to base their rankings off of, including college readiness, college curriculum breadth, state assessment proficient and performance, underserved student performance, and graduation rate. Of these metrics, most notable is Century's 92% graduation rate and that 59% of the student population took at least one AP exam. Century has consistently maintained a spot in the top ten in the state on this prestigious list for the last several years. Newsweek and the Washington Post also rank high schools, and Century proudly boasts several banners in the commons area from those sources as well. Mrs. Brockett, principal, stated, 

"I feel proud of our teachers and learners as we have maintained our academic excellence over the course of several years, and have persevered through challenges like the pandemic. We are grateful to the parents, guardians, and coaches as well for being an integral part in our Diamondbacks' academic journey and success." 

Century offers several resources to help students succeed academically and prepare them for what's next. The After School Homework Lab runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5 PM in the Media Center, and college and career advisors Jess Woodland and Ty Robbins are always willing to give guidance on scholarships, college and trade school applications, career exploration, offer connections with the military recruiters, and more. 


U.S. News Best High Schools Rankings

Best High Schools in Idaho

70 students gathered in a gym wearing matching sweatshirts

The second annual State Sweatshirt Day took place Thursday, April 18. Over 70 student-athlete and student-artists gathered in the gym to take a quick video expressing their gratitude towards the Idaho High School Activities Association and Dairy West, the sponsors of the iconic state hoodies. The Century admin team provided pizza for all that sported their state hoodie today. Emryail, a cheerleader as well as a member of the soccer and track teams said, "This hoodie reminds me of how much hard work we put in to go to state and how much it’s paid off, and going there with people I love.” So far in the 2023-2024 school year, Century has been represented at ten different state tournaments. 


male student getting a donut from an administrator

The administration at Century High School has challenged each class to become the class with the least amount of tardies in a trimester, with the promise of a donut and juice party at the end of the trimester. The freshmen class has earned the party for the second time this year! They celebrated with donuts, juice, music, and prizes in the gym during TA time on Monday. Each freshman's name was put into a drawing for several different prizes including a Kindle, Lululemon belt bags, Stanley water bottles, Crocs, lanyards, and more. Cheyenne B, who won a pair of Crocs in the drawing said, attendance at school is important because it helps you keep your grades up and helps you know how to act for your future. Learners with perfect attendance across all grade levels were also honored with a certificate and their own drawing for prizes, which included a pair of Apple Airpods. The administration is seeing a decline in tardies, and they are grateful for all of the learners, parents, and teachers that make attendance a priority! 

instructor leading drama students on stage

Last Thursday, April 4, the Idaho Shakespeare Festival toured to Century High School for Shakespearience, and event designed to bring Shakespeare to life in schools across the nation. The troupe performed Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream for CHS students in two different sessions. Following the performances, selected theatre students were given the opportunity to participate in a workshop hosted by the cast. Upon reflections, Bryce J, a senior, reported “This workshop was very helpful and informative. Not only did we learn about theatre, we learned about ourselves. It was an honor to participate!” Shakespearience is an annual event made possible by the Idaho Shakespeare Festival, the CHS English department, and the CHS theatre department. 

Female student looking at books

Thanks to a grant written by Kathryn Luker at the Marshall Public Library, every CHS student has been gifted a brand new book to keep! With over 10 different novels to choose from, the collection had a variety of genres and writing styles. Students with an English class this trimester had the opportunity to pick out their book during class, and anyone without English this trimester was able to choose their book during lunch each day last week. Thank you again, Ms. Luker for your generosity and thoughtfulness! 

female student signing certificate

97 seniors were recognized at the second annual ISU Academic Signing Day on March 13, 2024. The seniors that earned scholarships to ISU were invited to sign a certificate, pick out Bengal swag, and pick up some free pizza! This group of ISU-bound seniors brought in $448,500 in scholarships, with 19 of those students being Presidential Scholarships! Congrats Class of 2024!

A group of performers on stage with ocean scene

Performances of Century High School's production of Spongebob the Musical were held March 7, 8, 9, and 11th. The show was a big hit across the community, with several performances sold out. Will Leavitt, who played the role of Spongebob, said, "It was really satisfying being able to work over the last few months with Bonman and the cast and crew to bring justice to the script. On top of that, to see the community love it is all an actor can ask for." The cast and crew have been working hard every day after school, and most weekends since the initial auditions in December to make the production outstanding. 

The production was adjudicated one evening by a professional with the Patty Duke Awards. If selected, the cast and crew of this production will have the opportunity to travel to Boise in May to attend the Patty Duke Awards, perform a number from the show, and participate in a workshop. The leads may even be eligible to audition further, and if selected, travel to New York City for more workshops and award opportunities (the Jimmy Awards). Last year, Qai Gerber, a Century High School Class of 2023 graduate, was one of few Idaho students selected to participate in the week-long New York City adventure. 

Congratulations to directors Ted Bonman and Shawn Ruth, and the cast and crew of Spongebob the Musical!

cheerleaders pose with their nationals banner on stage

The Diamondback Cheerleaders returned from JAMZ School Nationals in Las Vegas this January with the school's first ever national title. In a competition of over 200 teams, the Diamondbacks earned a first place title in their show routine, and finished fourth in the sideline category. They would like to thank the teachers, community, friends, family, and all of their supporters for making the experience possible!

Dance team with their state academic trophy

The Diamond Dancers at Century High School recently earned the Academic State Champion award for 4A schools. The state competition was held February 23, 2024 at the Ford Idaho Center, where the team also competed their pom routine. This year's academic title win brings the dance team to a total of five academic championships in school history!

School Rainbow

There will be no school Monday, January 15 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Regular schedule will resume Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

Winter Sports Pictures
Purchase winter sports pictures online! The prepay code is: CHS25Sports

Senior Yearbook Ads
Lori Lombard

Herff Jones Senior Meeting
Mrs. Walster, Senior Class Advisor

Herff Jones (the company that provides our cap and gowns and other grad gear) held a senior meeting and a parent night earlier last month. If you missed it, no worries! They will be back later this winter, or you can visit Herff Jones website.

Elective Fair

Visit our elective fair to learn more about the different courses offered at Century High School and PV-Tec! Teachers will be available to visit with and counselors will be available to answer any questions you might have. Interested in sports or activities? Coaches will also have booths set up so you can explore the different sports and activities offered here at Century and get to know the coaches!

Join us Tuesday, January 23 at 6-7:30pm

Library Announcements
Megan Anderson

Patrice Browning

Tuesday, Jan. 9th - ISU's Tech Tuesday @ Lunch
Thursday, Jan. 11th - 3D Printing with Mr. Tyler

Big Teams
Meagan Brockett
All athletes must register on Big Teams each year. Freshmen and Juniors will need an updated physical, as will anyone who is new to sports at the school. Registration must be complete before the athlete’s first practice! Please contact Meagan Brockett, Athletic Secretary if you have questions or need assistance.

Bus Stops

If you need to sign up for a bus still, please contact the district office and speak to someone in the transportation department. View the bus stop map. Bus info can be found on your Infinite Campus portal.

Free and Reduced Lunch

Learn more about the Free and Reduced meals program. Remember, you MUST apply each year in order to remain eligible! Failure to do so will result in your student being charged for meals.

Student Council
Meg Flesichmann
If you would like to donate to our student council, they are in need of paint for our rock. School colors are preferable, both regular paint and spray paint. They are also needing bags of individually wrapped candy for our state walk-of-fame tradition. Make sure you follow Century Student Council on Instagram for updates on activities.

Registrar News
Jamie Berry

If you are needing a transcript sent, please see Ms. Berry or one of our College and Career Advisors. Although no more schedule changes can be made, if you need help with your schedule or have any other concerts regarding credits, please speak with your counselor!
Last Names A-G - Ms. Youngstrom
Last Names H-0 - Ms. Johnson
Last Names P-Z - Ms. Neilson

Attendance Policy
Anita Ralphs

Enforcing Attendance and Tardies

Bell Schedule

While we certainly want out learner to be in school everyday, some amount of flexibility is necessary as we do not want to spread disease. If you are ill, please stay home until you no longer have a fever. You may attend school even though you do not feel "perfect". Each learner may miss up to five days per trimester. Once you surpass the five days, you may lose credit and be in a situation where you will have to "appeal" for your credit at the end of the trimester. Truancies may be issued for excessive or unexcused absences. We need you support to reinforce the importance of daily attendance and being on time. Every minute that a learner is late to class or misses class is a lost learning opportunity and disrupts the learning environment for all. We will be enforcing the following interventions for excessive tardiness including: 

  • Parent Contact
  • Periodic Tardy Sweeps
  • Lunch Detention
  • Truancies

College and Career
Jess Woodland

Tyler Robbins

Hey Seniors! Come to our FAFSA Night January 16, 2024 6-8pm CHS Media Center to get help filling out the new FAFSA Application.

Sport/Activity Contact
Volleyball Meg Flesichmann
Football Ryan Flesichmann
Cross Country Todd Nunan
Golf Jake Cutler
Boys Soccer Jamshid Roomiany
Girls Soccer Bill Vasas
Swim Peggy Kaiser
Cheerleading Meagan Brockett
Diamond Dancers Hallie Erickson
Theatre Ted Bonman / Shawn Ruth
Band/Color Guard Jamie Burtosky
Speech & Debate Joseph Tyler
Choir Bradley Irvine
Girls Basketball Meg Flesichmann
Boys Basketball Ryan Frost
Wrestling Mark Mansfield
Tennis Sean Kane
Softball Amanda Daniels
Baseball Mikee Blackhawk
Track Bill Vasas
Counselor, last names A-G Cindy Youngstrom
Counselor, last names H-O Corey Johnson
Counselor, last names P-Z Karen Nielson

*Games and events are subject to cancellations or reschedules with little notice. Please reach out to your athlete’s coach for the most up to date information.

Monday, January 8 Depart Advantage
5:30PM Girls Varsity Basketball GBB Team Dinner (School)    
Tuesday, January 9 Depart Advantage
6:00PM Girls Freshmen Basketball Preston   Home
6:00PM Girls Junior Varsity Basketball Preston   Home
7:30PM Girls Varsity Basketball Preston   Home
Wednesday, January 10 Depart Advantage
5:30PM Girls Varsity Basketball GBB Team Dinner (School)    
6:00PM Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Thunder Ridge 4:00PM Away
6:00PM Boys Junior Varsity Wrestling Hillcrest / Marsh Valley   Home
6:00PM Boys Freshman Basketball Thunder Ridge 4:00PM Away
7:30PM Boys Varsity Basketball Thunder Ridge 4:00PM Away
Thursday, January 11 Depart Advantage
6:00PM Girls Freshman Basketball Shelley   Home
6:00PM Girls Junior Varsity Basketball Shelley   Home
7:30PM Girls Varsity Basketball Shelley   Home


Diamondback Dramatics hold up the 4A State Drama Championship banner

Century hosted State Drama and took 1st in State for the 4th year in a row! 

Congratulations to Bryce Johnson for her 1st place win in Solo Serious and Will Leavitt for placing 2nd in Solo Musical Theatre. 🐍💜🎭

Tardy Party Trimester 1 2023 Freshmen Win!

It's a Tardy Party! Century learners competed to see which class had the least amount of tardies for the first trimester. The freshman class won and were able to attend a Tardy Party with donuts and juice for everyone. Those that had less than five absences/tardies were put into a drawing for some really cool prizes. Students in all grades that had perfect attendance were also recognized.

CHS Dramatics Present Elephant's Graveyard

The Century High School Diamondback Dramatics will present their production of Elephant's Graveyard by George Brant, to the public on October 12, 13, 14 and 16 at 7 p.m at the CHS auditorium. General admission is $10 per person. Students and kids under 12 are $5. Tickets can be purchased online.

Qai Gerber and Payton Carter

Qai Gerber (Century High School) and Payton Carter (Highland High School) won the two Idaho nominations for the Jimmy Awards in New York City. Sponsored and fully funded by The Broadway League, both students were flown to NYC for 9 days where they worked closely with Broadway professionals on the Juilliard campus in all three areas of acting, singing, and choreography. Out of 140,000 students across the country who auditioned for this program, Qai and Payton were among the 96 students who were chosen to participate. The 9-day program culminated with the actual Jimmy Awards ceremony hosted by Corbin Bleu this past Monday evening. Qai and Payton and the other 94 students performed musical numbers at the ceremony to a sold-out audience, which included several Broadway producers, at the Minskoff Theatre, home of Broadway's The Lion King. It's an incredible honor to be chosen for this program, and we couldn't be prouder of these two Pocatello theatre students!

Payton Carter and Qai Gerber

Payton Carter, a Junior at Highland High School, and Qai Gerber, a Senior at Century High School, made it to the final round, top 8 in the state, of auditions for the Idaho High School Theatre Awards. The top two students will be announced on June 9th and will get a paid trip to the Juilliard Campus in New York. There they will get to work with industry professionals for a week, with the top two students from every other regional program in the country. At the end of that week they will get to perform at the national theatre awards ceremony, the Jimmy Awards. Congratulations Payton and Qai.

42nd Street Cast poses after winning award

Century High School's 42nd Street musical cast won multiple awards from the Idaho High School Theatre Awards (the qualifying event for the Jimmy's in NYC produced by the Broadway League). They received Best High School Musical in the state of Idaho. They also won Best Ensemble, Qai Gerber as Best Performer in a Lead Male Role, Will Leavitt as Best Performer in a Supporting Male Role, and Sasha Leukhardt as Best Performer in a Supporting Female Role. Qai Gerber also received a callback audition for the Jimmy Awards in NYC. The cast will get to perform a number from their show at the big ceremony in June at the Morrison Center in Boise.

Five Century learners repainted their school rock to include HHS

It’s been a long week for lots of reasons but this picture is just amazing. Thank you Century admin, students and staff for welcoming our Highland Rams and sharing your building with them. I may have cried when I saw this.

Carla May, HHS Parent

30+ Band and Drumline students from Century and Highland in the CHS Band room

The Century and Highland Drumline met up at CHS last night to spend some time to get to know each other and just hang out as kids. The HHS drummers have been stuck at home and feeling pretty down since their band room was lost. It was a really sweet event, Highland wanted to help Century get their equipment ready for marching band season as a thank you for sharing their school, band room and equipment. Century gave Highland a tour of the band room and showed them where to find everything they'll need while they are there. 

"This is a unique opportunity for our CHS and HHS percussionists to create more connections in their community and are looking forward to more "drummer hangs" in the future. As Highland Band alumni (2009-2013), it means a lot that we are able to help out the music students so that they are able to still have an experience in the classroom that wouldn't have been able to be done virtually, especially for those seniors."

Jamie Burtosky, former HHS student

Ms. Chantel Reddish holding her Kory Williams trophy

Chantel Reddish, a business teacher at Century High School, was awarded the "Korky Williams" award at the recent BPA State Conference in Boise. This award honors recipients that have served for a minimum of 20 years as a BPA Advisor, ran a local chapter, has mentored new advisors and has been active in State Leadership. Reddish was selected by her peers across the State as an outstanding BPA Advisor and mentor. 

Century High School Diamondback Dramatic team posing with 4A State Drama Champion title

Century High School's Diamondback Dramatics team are the 4A State Drama Champions for the third consecutive year in a row. Along with the state title, the team also had five pieces medal in individual events, the most they have ever received at a competition. The Drama Club advisors are Shawn Ruth and Ted Bonman.

Ms. Martin's CHS Anthropology Class sitting on log pole fence out in the mountains

On September 28th, the BLM's Pocatello Field Office staff hosted students from Century High School's Anthropology course, which is also an early college program through Idaho State University. The field trip took place on a beautiful fall day at the petroglyph boulder display in the Indian Rocks Area of Critical Environmental Concern, where the students learned how to document an archaeological site in the field. Century teacher Erin Martin joined BLM staff including archaeologist Amy Lapp, and geographic information system specialist Brian Holmes to teach the students about filling out site forms, photographing the site, using GPS, and making feature and site sketches.

District News

2024 John McCarthy check presentation. Picture includes Lookout Credit Union administration and Lisa Delonas, Brad Wallace, Sheryl Brockett and Tonya Wilkes from PCSD 25.

Lookout Credit Union is excited to share the funds we've raised in John McCarthy's honor with Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 as we usher in a fresh school year. This year, the 20th Annual John McCarthy Memorial Golf Tournament broke all records by raising an incredible $33,000! These funds will once again be lovingly dedicated to the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 High School Extracurricular Activities Fund, all in cherished memory of John McCarthy.

This contribution means that each local high school will receive $11,000 to empower students to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities. A standing ovation is in order for our tournament's presenting sponsor, Cole Chevrolet and Cole Nissan Kia. Your steadfast partnership and commitment continue to be the driving force behind this annual success story. And to everyone who participated, thank you for making this year extra special. 💛⛳️🎉


PCSD 25 Cassie Atwood Curriculum Coordinator

Please join us in congratulating Cassie Atwood, who was selected as the new curriculum coordinator. Atwood will be stepping into the role following the retirement of Kathy Luras, who has dedicated many years of exemplary service to the district.

Cassie Atwood brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational excellence to her new position. She holds a Bachelor of Art in Secondary Education (2012) with a major in Political Science and minors in Geology and Social Studies, as well as a Master’s in Education Administration (2018). Atwood has served at Century High School for the past 12 years, where she spent six years in the classroom and six years as the Academic Assistant Principal.

Throughout her tenure at Century High School, Atwood has demonstrated extensive administrative expertise, particularly in leading the school’s special education program. She is passionate about the implementation of Visible Learning in classrooms and is a certified Restorative Practices Trainer through the International Institute of Restorative Practices. Her dedication to meeting the district’s curriculum vision ensures that every learner has equal access to high quality, research-based instructional materials aligned with the written curriculum and taught by skillful, highly effective teachers.

PCSD 25 Superintendent Dr. Douglas Howell expressed his enthusiasm for Atwood’s new role, stating, “We are excited to welcome Cassie Atwood as our new curriculum coordinator. Her extensive experience and passion for education make her an ideal fit for this role. We also express our gratitude to Kathy Luras for her outstanding contributions to the district’s curriculum over the years.”

Atwood shared her excitement about her new role, saying, “I am honored to take on the position of curriculum coordinator and continue the great work that has been done. I look forward to collaborating with the talented educators in our district to ensure every student receives the highest quality education.”

When not at work, Atwood enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and their dogs, riding UTVs, boating, and traveling.

The administrative change will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

Scott Eldredge

Please join us in congratulating Scott Eldredge on his selection as the Principal of Ellis Elementary School. Eldredge is replacing current Principal, Denise Lane.

Scott Eldredge, born in Pocatello, graduated from Century High School in 2005. He pursued higher education at Idaho State University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education in 2011, followed by a Master's in Athletic Administration in 2014 and principal’s endorsement in 2023.

Scott started teaching science at Century High School in 2011. Apart from teaching, he is also a football coach, a member of the Building Leadership Team (BLT), chairs the Response to Intervention committee, and contributes to the biology unit development team.

Beyond his professional commitments, Eldredge coaches youth basketball, football, and soccer teams, instilling valuable life lessons of teamwork and discipline in young athletes.

Family time is a top priority for Scott. He spends much of his time skiing, camping, and playing basketball in the driveway with his wife and two young boys.

“With deep roots in our community and school district, we welcome Scott’s dedication to educational excellence and look forward to a future of growth and innovation under his guidance to Think More, Learn More, and Be MORE Together,” said PCSD 25 Superintendent, Dr. Douglas Howell. “We express our heartfelt gratitude to Denise Lane for her outstanding service.”

The administrative change will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

C.A.K.E. Awards February 2024 Capri Casper 5th Grade Greenacres and Aubrey Davis 10th Grade Century High School

Congratulations to Roz, a Pre-K learner, and Mason, an 11th grade learner attending Century High School, who were chosen as the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 March C.A.K.E. award recipients. C.A.K.E. stands for Character, Attitude, Kindness and Encouragement.

Roz was nominated by her teacher, Mrs. Jordan Proctor. In her nomination letter, Mrs. Proctor wrote, “I would like to nominate Roz for the CAKE award for the joy, positivity, and kindness she shows to her teachers and classmates. Roz is always excited to come to school and eager to interact with her classmates. She greets us all by name and knows when someone is absent; she asks if they will be coming and if they are okay. She is a helper to peers who may need more support and loves to cheer them on when they are successful with difficult tasks. Roz is a great student and an example to me of someone with great character, attitude, unending kindness, and encouragement.”

Mason was nominated by Mrs. Jessica Woodland, Mrs. Cindy Youngstrom and Mr. Scott Eldredge. 

In her nomination letter, Mrs. Woodland wrote, “When I think of Mason, I think of a happy person. Every time I see Mason he has a big smile on his face. No matter what's happening in his life, he's always happy and pleasant. He is such a joy to be around.”

Mrs. Youngstrom wrote, “I would like to nominate Mason Dalton for the CAKE award because of his ongoing positive attitude under extremely difficult conditions. On the heels of his mother's unexpected passing, Mason's father began having life-threatening medical issues. During the last two years, Mason's positive attitude and cheery disposition have been inspiring for me to witness. With every hardship, Mason responds with positivity, jumping in to help solve, or at least lighten the family's burdens. Another valiant virtue Mason demonstrates is his love and loyalty to family. Because of dire circumstances, Mason's siblings went to live with extended family out of state. However, Mason chose to remain with his dad so he could support him and help him. Mason also cites that he has found comfort in his high school community and didn't want to leave Century. I smile every time I hear Mason lovingly refer to his father as "The Big Guy" and he is dedicated to serving him every chance he gets. Mason's attendance and grades have slipped at times because of the home life burdens he bears but he never gives up and he always comes back to being a student in good standing. I could give example after example of why Mason deserves this recognition but instead, I will leave you with a list of the virtues this young man lives every single day. Kindness, Love, Loyalty, Optimism, Patience, Perseverance, Resilience, Sacrifice, Service, Strength, Wisdom. I am honored to watch this young man navigate life's relentless beat down and always come out of it with a smile on his face!”

Mr. Eldredge wrote, “In my many years as an educator, I have had the pleasure of being around some incredible students. Mason stands out among those incredible students with his infectious, positive attitude. Every day he is in class, he has positively impacted his peers and myself. He faces each challenge life throws at him with optimism. As a teacher, it is my goal to offer hope and inspiration to my students, however, it's a special occurrence when a student like Mason becomes the source of hope and inspiration. Mason's ability to spread positivity and joy makes him extremely deserving of this award!”

Roz and Mason were recognized at the Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, March 12,, 2024. McDonald's provides each learner and their nominators with a gift card, along with $50 to purchase books for the school’s media center in the recipients’ names. 

PCSD 25 believes a safe, supportive, caring and respectful environment is critical to student learning. The District Education Foundation, in partnership with the local Johnson Family McDonald’s, supports the Learner-of-the-Month C.A.K.E. Award to recognize students who show great character.  The district recognizes one elementary learner and one secondary learner from October through May. Nominations for the C.A.K.E. Award are submitted by a teacher who has observed the nominee’s behavior, and are approved by the school’s principal. 

Join us for a district wide job fair 6-8pm April 4 Century HS Commons Talk to your college and career advisors for more info

Join us for a district wide high school job fair 6-8pm April 4, 2024 at Century High School Commons 

Talk to your College & Career Advisors for more information.

Parents and High School students are invited to join us for this event.

Press Releases